The Den

Cages and Blankets

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The rat cage has never realy been invented... I know I don't belive it either!
I found that the best thing to use for a baby rat is a bird cage. You can use a guinie pig cage, however you have to mesh off the entire cage! The baby can squeeze through the bars!

when I first bought my rats I had them live in a 10 gallon tank with a weighted down mesh lid, when they grew to big for that I bought them a guinie pig cage. Then they out grew that, so I went to the local pet store and bought a used bird cage that they were going to throw away.
After properly sterilizing it I set up plat forms; there are 3 but soon I'm going to make a pent house for them!

their food platform is at the top, then below that is their sleeping floor, below that is a half platform that leads to the bottom which is full of fine grain corn litter. This layout, I find, keeps the cage cleaner and the rats cleaner!

Remember to clean the cage EVERY week

Rats are prone to cancer of every type! To ensure a healthy happy rat we must only give them the best! and that means paying a few dollars more for realy good litter! When it comes down to it, Rats spend quite alot of time in the pooper! they go about 50 times a day! So we need to make sure that their poopy litter is clean and healthy!

Corn Litter
This is great stuff! The healthiest stuff on the market! there are no chemicals in it, and it is all organic! It may not absorbe odors as well as something like pine or cedar, but it does do it's job! (I use this)

This is seccond best, It doesn't have the feraphenolines in it, but it is dusty, and that will irritate our rats respritory system.

ok this and any other smelly wood are EVIL! these will burn your rats skin, irritate their eyes and lungs and eventualy cause them to have cancer. It dose absorb the odors, but it is so strong in chemicals that a clean smelling room isn't worth risking the life of your rat.

Watching your rat make their bed is so entertaining! They do it with such pride and such concentration! Here are some bedding ideas

These don't have to be nice ones, they just need to be clean! Rats love the soft fabric and the opaque covering they give. You do have to clean these and maintain them around every 2 days, but they are so comfy for your baby.

Paper Towels and Plastic Tubes
These can be alot easier to clean, but they will cost you alot more in the long run. If you do use paper towels, makesure they don't have lotions or other chemicals in them. Cardboard tubes are great fun! but they get soiled fast! Rats love iding in them, but they are so hard to clean, you can use plastic ones, but remember to check what types of harmful chemicals could be seeping out of the plastic, if ratty decides to pee in there.

What ever bedding you may choose, remember to clen it appx. every 2 days. Any wet bedding can give your rat a bladder infection, as well as harvest bacteria.

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