Dinner Time
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Cages and Blankets

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Dinner Time

Rat Words

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Mmmm, So whats on the menu?
Well,We all love food! So do your rats! but unlike humans, rats can only be given certain things, To help your rat have a nutritonal diet, It is best to give them a staple food!

Only feed rats their staple food if they are babies, diffrent foods may be too hard for them to digest.

Every Day Dinner
This here is the rats staple food, as well as their vitamins, The staple food should carry a wide assortment of fruits, dried veggies and grains, make sure there is nothing in there that can give them gas, as that will cause your Ratty great discomfort! It is best to buy a special made product for Rats and Mice.
Vitamin Suplements
Now it is very important to give your rats vitamin supplements! Even if they are eating their staple food, fresh fruit and veggies, it is still important to give them a balanced vitamin intake,

For this you can buy Vitamin drops for rats and mice, Hamster ones work well too. This can cost you around .00 every 3 months. You can place drops in water, or on dry food, remember to follow instructions on the back of the bottle.

Crunchy Snacks
For a rat that is looking for something to pack away, and think that they got a heavy score, critter cubes are a great snack! they help teeth stay short as well as act as a nutritional snack! Most rats love theses because they are so big and taste good!
Fruit is quite enjoyable for any rat with a sweet tooth! but remember to only feed them in small amounts, and not every day. They can get the runs, which can in the end kill them from dehydration, it is also knowen as wet tail. So remember onlly SMALL moderations of fruit and veggies.

It is best to stick with the basic fruits as well, Such as apple, strawberry, pear, peaches, banana, and the more blander fruits. The strawberries, and blueberries are anti cancer causeing, so these are excelent to feed to your ratty! Remember the darker the fruit the more nutrience there is!

ALLWAYS wash fruits off and NEVER give them ANYTHING you wouldn't eat! and NO sour fruits, this can upset their tummy.

A recent study has showen that grapes are poisonus to dogs. I suggest not to give them to ANY of your pets until reserchers gater more info!

Bread and Pasta
This is among the favorites of rats! Any type of charbohydrate! But beware!!! they can get fat!

The best types of bread and pasta's to give to your rats are brown breads, bran and grainy things, NO WHITE bread!!! This is only white flour and sugar, no nutrients, and no fiber! Lets keep their colon clean! White breads and pastas can cause constipation, that can lead to pain, death or cancer of the colon. It's best to give them sometype of "Ruffage"

If you feed them pasta, feed them cooked pasta, some books recomend dried pasta, but that can lead to over eating, and tummy aches.

Well, of coure this will make their day! but rats don't need much protine. They get enough in their staple foods; but if you want to give them a monthly treat it is best to feed them a little bit of meat, or hard boiled egg, minus the yolk! This is because too much protine will give tem soars all over their body.

You can feed them lean and un seasoned meat such as fish (no bones) chicken, turkey (no bones)beef, some pork and the eggs. Eggs are an EXCELENT source for calcium and protine! and they LOVE eggs... and yes once and a while cheese, but watch them eat cheese, they could be lactose intolorant.

Now following the guidelines of fruit, Veggies are also a welcome treat to a rat! They enjoy an occational carrot stick lettus, small amount of potatoe (un-mashed)broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, green or colored peppers, mushrooms,un-stringed celery.

it is important to wash veggies, not feed rats too much veggies because it can cause the runs, and if you feed them veggies like celery PLEASE take out the stringy vains, these can get stuck in their throat.

Things to Chew
Rats can get borde durring the day while you are at work or school, so the best thing to do is buy them something to chew... just like you would with a dog.

The best stuff to buy, I find, Is pig ears! the rats LOVE to work on these! Dog chews are ideal for wearing down the rats teeth and eliminating bordome. You can also try Hooves, which are good in calcium, but they STINK! you can try raw hide, but make sure they are digesting it ok, And for fun buy them a great big bird seed bar! they even have hamster ones. These have seeds and fruits and all sorts of goodies that incase a small raw hide chew. They are sure messy but fun!

Table Scraps
We may enjoy spicy things, things that give us gas, sweet sugary fatty things, milk and chewy sticky things... but these can be harmful and even fatal to the rat!

Rats do not have gag reflexes, so if things like penutbutter or jujubes get caught in their throat they will choke and die. They can not burp or fart, so if they have gass, they are in severe pain, and may have to be treated for it by a vet. They can't digest sweets and fatty things like us, so this can make them have the runs, seizure, give them a heart attack, or stroke, and kill them. Treat them like you would your cat and dog, go with thoes guidelines, no chocolate, etc. And please give rats bland food like you would a baby.

Sure it's ok if they lick the ice cream off your face, or pick your dinner from your teeth... but don't make it a habbit, because it could end up a sad story.


if you want to do these on your own time, go a head, just don't do it near your pets and do not let them get into your stash. Aniamls get seriously injured, or even killed every year because of ingesting alcohol and drugs... sometimes it's deliberate, the owner gives them these, or sometimes they find it and eat it. PLEASE be careful! DO NOT harm an innocent creature.


Fresh Food and Exercise will ensure a Happy Healthy Rat