The Den

Cages and Blankets

Bath Time

Dinner Time

Rat Words

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Steps to Bathing your rat...
It's a good idea to wash your rat weekly, like you do with their cage, it can even be on the same day like I do! Remember to not wash the rats until they are at least a month. If they are too young they can be traumatized or you can hurt them. The best way to introduce your rat to bath time, is by making it fun and rewarding, place them in luke-warm water, and let them explore the sink, makesure you supervise them and the water temp at ALL TIMES! and offer them lots of praise and treats, the first few times you bathe them they may pee or poop (it is quite scary having a bath you know) but do not scorn them! they will stop when they realize bath time is just another routine! Remember to also dry them thouroughly so they don't catch a cold! Snuggle them after bath time, so they can get your body warmth and by then it will be their nap time

1. Get your "Tearless, Hypoalergenic, Baby Shampoo" and clean towels ready

2. Make sure the temperature of the water is luke warm.

3. Lather me up with shampoo, but make sure your careful around my eyes, and don't let me touch my face till' the soaps off it

4. Rise me off realy good!

5. Dry me off super good, and I'll help too!

6. Now we are both Super clean! Thanks Mom!

7. Now there is just one thing to do.... TREAT TIME!

8. And just like ma' said we would be... we are all tuckerd out

Bath time... The rat way
No soap, no water, no towels.... This is the ratty way to have a bath!

You are kidding! I'm not about to go in the sink!

First all you need is to lick your paws, then you apply them to your face

You may need a freind to reach the hard spots

Now for some reason mom thinks that this isn't clean... and that red stain on my fur is suppose to be there!

See I'm all clean, I just did it the rat way